Shio Ponzu - White Ponzu 360ml

The ponzu is a popular and widespread sauce in Japan. Its taste is very much appreciated; it is both fresh and deep and rich in umami. Unlike regular ponzu sauces that combines soy sauce, dashi and a Japanese citrus, white ponzu is made with an organic rice vinegar base. It does not contain soy sauce, that is why it has a slight color. There is also kombu dashi broth, organic yuzu juice and sudachi juice from Tokushima. It is additive and preservative free and have is well balanced between acidity and umami. 

Use : White ponzu can be used as a regular ponzu with the advantage that it will not color your preparations. It can be used as salad dressing, accompany scallops, white fish, fatty meats, avocados, asparagus or artichokes... It will also give a deeper taste to your broths. The ponzu is very easy to use because it goes well with European cuisine. 

Ingredients : Yuzu juice, sudachi juice, rice vinegar, sugar, salt, kombu dashi, mirin, , yeast extract. 

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Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 1-3 Werktage
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